"If you have to act like a clown to be a clown , you not Hopi."
- Hopi Scholar
"A world longing for light again. I see a time of seven generations when all the colors of mankind will gather under the sacred Tree of Life and the whole Earth will become one circle again. In that day there will be those among the Lakota who will carry knowledge and understanding of unity among all living things, and the young white ones will come to those of my people and ask for this wisdom. I salute the light within your eyes where the whole universe dwells. For when you are at that center within you and I am that place within me, we shall be as one." -Crazy Horse 1877
if 20-30 years is one generation
that 7th generation is 2017 to 2087 circle
the sun is rising
hopis the inner bridge
to the 5th world
one feet in / one feet out
for rest of us
we not in
and on way out
since hopi land penny in size
how to bring the penny to all of $100 ?
Darrel tells tale of 15th century
how when spaniard first arrived
they introduced the first toilet
the villagers who were lost in their ways by the technological revolution they jumped up and down in excitement
Darrel tells tale of 19th century
how when visitors from east visited and showed off their upgraded toilets
the villagers who were lost in their ways by the technological revolution
they jumped up and down with excitement
Darrel tells tale of 21st century
visitors from beyond earth visited and showed off their advance artificial intelligence toilet items
the villagers who were lost in their ways by the technological revolution
they will also jumped up and down with excitement
in our script
good/evil has different levels
that it not absolute
if you chicken
then human no good
no matter how good humans are
maybe humans race not the only race
in this infinite universe circle
maybe we not even the master race
outside the zoo
maybe in this persepctive
what is consider good for us
maybe just those who ally with us
because common grounds of interest
and /or those who have experienced from our inner/outer
creating compassion to help their own past
but that not many
maybe parallel to us
those with advance technology
can see us from beyond four dimensions
but we not them
they can see our energy patterns
and observe its movements
- our inner world
"they can prey on us like chickens
they can also help us free chickens"
- judge darrell
"yup, and why would they free us
'if we don't help free the chickens ?"
- dominic
"compassion attracts compassion"
- preston
"courage attracts courage"
- selena
"we help ouself
we attract
we help ourself "
- leroy
darrell belong to trickster world
that few would dispute
and within this circle
they all happy
whatever race they are
and at times, they may even rotate seat with darrell to let him play pranks on other aliens planets ...
so here the story
of how darrell
using their techonoly of the top tech race
went and spook another "master" reptilian race in distant planet
they call themselves the ascended angels
" the bird clan is the most ancient ...
they flew into this world from another dimension and can shape shift into dragons and even human forms ...
but they do not intervene in worldly affairs
but their power make the reptilians be like what snake is to a snake charmer"
"how do we engage their help ?"
"by playing with them
they know now that chu office can now rival them in fong chi offense ..."
"the chicken gods ..."
"yes, the chickens have been around longer than the gods"
preparing a speech for chiang to read
once they get to the distant home planet of the dragons
once hopi book club all got their attention
4d image appears in sky for all them to see
"greetings reptilian gods ...
we have waited so long to communicate with you
and share our compassion and advance technology and knowledge that will forever transform you into the wise and kind flying dragons you are destined to be ...
for you reptilians are of such glorious and illustrative beginning ...
and we are here to help you evolve the way you will help other species evolve
etc etc.
"so it is an rising chicken energy ... ?"
" ...the counter balance to the constant chicken energy ..."
"as inner
just as there was a time before the sun
there was a time before the moon"
as outer
same difference
as inner
total attention one way
no counter balance
until its path crossed with
bonsai bonsai !
“In the earliest times, when the moon was not yet in the heavens,”
native americans not alone in using terms ... time before moon
we don't know
but in reverse world
there counter balancing
moon called chewpiland
the sun is the constant
once asked ...
"in tibet, we say if you look east does it mean west not exist ? "
"you mean you can say what you cannot say"
"right right ..."
the point is
we ride the reverse when they ride the rise
how to optimize the inner opportunity
we will all be sending compassion from future
as inner
chewpiland cannot be moved by anyone anything from where we are
we have held our ground and that all future need
it been let go and is free to rotate of its own
if hopis can hold their ground
then we are fine and even give ourselves the credit ...
but to the hopis
the job is done ; nothing more to prove ...
thank you
in our script :
"the smoke links the spirit"
- hopi friend
as outer
it is relative less dense
as inner
it can be compressed into an over dense cloud ...
receive let go share
the shamans circle of all directions / dimensions speak this common language
the chewpis constant circle
anchoring down this weekend
compressing / riding the over rising energy
simply by looking other way
accumulating the cloud of denser compassion
the deeper the anchor
the more the receive
and more the future can share
in our script
as inner cycles repeat
even the movies upgraded in style and image
there those who believe because of experience
it no big deal
especially places like hopiland
not easy to find someone who not believe
it like the spaniards first came
they may have machines which ...
but after awhile
so you can fly 3000 miles in 5 hours
and/or 3 light years ...
or one day
we can call each other from another planet
for the relative same cost of living as today
inner is inner
outer is outer
the outer improvements may be necessary
but for the hopi inner to become the spaniards as inner - they would have be even more happy
or they be like high tech CEOs visiting hopiland today
the hopis not gonna worship them just because they have faster computer airplanes quieter toilets and know places hopis never been to
they trust the feeing
a link of passion and joy from future
a voice which has guided them not take bait and
which has sustained the culture throughout time
the legend hopis most speak of within is perhaps someone who actually exists
from their point of perception
- that if they see him and you dont
does it mean he not exist
"you never hear about this being"
he humble, so it the small offering
if given option penny dollar hundred
the one who pick penny is his student
the great earth spirit - massauwu
we return to earth
the primal mother
"The theory holds that under centuries of pressure by white culture, Spider Woman has only recently been replaced by a male Creator and "the Hopi goddess Spider Woman has become the masculine Maseo or Tawa..."
- wikipedia
The Deepening of Compassion
deeper the emptiness
more compressed the inner movement
deeper understanding of three circles
more fluid the inner movement
more fluid the inner movement
deeper the emptiness
the three sisters / older brothers can also defend the northern gate
the three sisters and/or little brothers protect the southern gate
"... not good grade
... but we passing ..."
"yes ..."
- gyaphal
"then you have a game plan ..."
writer smiles over the phone
"because we live distant
dominic is a good intermediary ..."
- preston
" ... there an understanding ...
you have the awareness same way i can organize patterns ...
but we do need a middle ... "
- writer
three corners
there a corner preston knows which he alone can turn
maybe writer also good at turning another corner
the link between writer and the hopi elder
is ancient
"you don't like attention
so we'll find actors to represent our presence "
"yes yes ..."
phil p smith
writer type who stays where he is
had he born hopiland
probably still sitting same house
joking with neighbors
so if get a scholarship to attend some prestigious university in france
he'll be back if the same house be there ...
the story tellers had written many tales
he will take his talents to begin new career
as a story teller from the orient teaching also trickster flute to non trickster natives (e.g. natives wearing western suit)
a kung fu dude from the west lecturing on the tao of law to the non kung fu monks/nuns in orient
we pay them - this the reverse world and they opposite and willing to receive out of compassion
future to past
fong chi the link from future
that best name to use
no laugh/laugh
fong chi
that the fong chi circle
from/to future/past
it a happy feeling from yourself to/from yourself
so long it feel right ... stay with it
if it keep stronger
than our past/future fong chi
"... (this being) is even higher than (lotus born) ..."
- master hu
not story teller nor the nurturer
but his present alone takes us all deeper
the power of silence is humble
when the original hopi book club gather
the center was always the father/uncle
when he spoke, there silence
writer didn't understand back then
in our script
the kachinas are star beings of past who visited
the masks represents
maybe ... inside kiva ceremony
not every mask is a hopi
and not every ... inside came in from the ladder ... ?
after years of learning
writer can appreciate the humble compassion
... if he the only being who can comfort us within that deep darkness
and everyone else compete for the light seat
then no care if hopis/tibet call lord of death
because maybe they feel safer and joyful just thinking about massawu that way
also the lord of emptiness
of the 500
the real crazy yogi
we are very fortunate
it takes only one from outside
to open the gate
there a cave behind wepo
underneath it
then there opening above from ground of cave
preston standing there w colleenn
rodney the guardian standing on builder 10 feet above
writer on a platform another 10 feet above
dominic and leroy
10 and 20 feet above
where there opening to look out
remember writer :
saying something about the formation
we all just stood there long time
there a silence
kiva dance 2009
packed and cass and sam brought writer in
- female and children
late night
last dance
many kachinas pack room
then there this one starts singing - lip sync ymca
all were looking at this masked katchina
looking back
many thanks ...
kiva experience links back to and/from
that why hopis can seem to get feeling of past to/from future in ways they have knowledge and experience
and if they say there a way
it means someone has seen a possibility
a link from a future to our present to their past
that we are speaking to the past hopis from where we are and will be
it the farthest back we can speak to
so if writer at the kiva in march 09
what we tell him then ... ?
cass sitting front
sam sat next to writer
middle of the room
after that they say writer ... into a hopi
hmmm ...
there a chubby kid sitting near
10-15 years old
writer caught a kachina gift and offer to him
he smiled
"keep it ..."
he looks just like abel
From Hopi's inner space
they can feel the density of movement of kachinas
From Hopi outer space
they can witness the result
"If there is inner disharmony
there shall be outer disharmony
If there is no inner disharmony
outer disharmony cannot enter"
there those who can walk both worlds Hopis explain the great spirit as a katchina and as a being who can just ... appear out of no where
the great spirit is trinary
master of three worlds ; trickster counterbalance
here and/or there ; above and/or below
female and/or male ; soft and/or firm
not restricted to a person and/or a species
nor to time and/or space
from endless space (taoiwa)
Hopis expressed through Massauw (trinity)
source of their joy
"by so doing, one can obtain mastery of pure presence, quickly and without bodily obstacles, thereby fully awakening oneself"
- dakinni yeshe tsogyal
"we can't yet see it as one ; but they can"
"wave is relatively less dense than particle
energy less dense dense than matter
there always three"
- master hu
above density counter balanced by below density
the hopi upper world co-exist with lower world
over same space/time but of different relative density
they help us we help them
from empty space
into from patternless pattern / spaceless space
into space and pattern counter by another space and pattern
we have crossed into a new reality
from world where density and patterns co-emerge
into a world where universes belong not to one world"
there is an army from the past
and it was here before we remember
there is an army from the past
and they will be here long after
there is an army from the past
they have returned as the army from the future
there were those
of their clan and family
who chose to stay behind
knowing what is to come
it is to them
even if only few left
they agreed to return
anazasis to hopis
starring dominic and aj as the helpers who have returned
their technology is 2000 years ahead of us 800 years ago and is now 4000 years ahead of us
that also what they say
about their sense of humor
they made appearance first to hopis
in a different way
as a spontaneous presence they recognize
4-18 (9-03 chewpi)
the inner world shared to the writer by the hopis
they call it center of universe
they can see the seed
that why they work hard to balance it
we can take you in
but no one can describe the pvf
no one hopi agrees with every hopi
so it not a hopi vs others thing
nor a leader they need
but those who live there
just know everything taking place where they are
within that bubbling energy
micro of the macro
and it is our task to send reinforcement into an inner no time world
and the real reason writer not officially marry hopi yet
dancing on the edge
is one simply not have the power to handle that energy
my powers are all fake
night lost make one very humble
but not independence
one need not inner become it
and that makes you hopi
chewpiland is a three way trading post
of inner/outer/hopi world
if we receive the funding
this where walpi studio
comes in
it has been commissioned to recreate the life as it is on chewpiland
with a group of hopis
the ancient architecture
with technology/humor 4000 years ahead of us
page 9
When the Great Purification is near, these helpers will shake the earth first for a short time in preparation. After they shake the earth two times more, they will be joined by the True White Brother, who will become one with them and bring the Purification Day to the world. "
He will have the ability to write, and he will be the only person able to read the Tiponi. When he returns to find his younger brother, the Tiponi will be placed side by side to show all the world that they are true brothers.
- hopi
don't know how writer came to this task
as a messenger / intermediary / helper
this being must have the missing of the tiponi
and universally recognized by the elders as the undisputed leader
this being has yet to arrive
"if this five years ago
this being not enter"
"no ..."
"if this today
it could be anytime"
nods does the wise one
(this then the fiction script)
when was the last time this being was here ?
"over 5000 years ago ..."
"there is a missing corner to a rock ...?"
"yea, ...
chewey and classmates bows with honor and respect
in our script
the monster lives deep below
the monster = the fear we feel
it fears no one but this being
it writer task to explain it
it this being's task to exorcise the monster
what nation race gender this being will take
is not decided
when this being will return not decided
"when there is great change in this world
this being will appear"
- master hu
"there a sky monster king
there earth monster king
the sky controls earth but cannot win "
they tired of fighting because heaven cannot eliminate earth
no matter how much it dominate
the old resistance is still here
and they both realize they need nature
- master hu
" It is a matter of waging war, not of permitting the mob to slaughter all who fall into their hands; if they do, defeat will be the result"
"it is this line that ought to lead the army. "
- i ching
in other words
the middle army cannot be led by the sky king
"no one can go beyond (inner control) you
you have no inner boss
while all others do and speak not openly"
"you see someone in samsara
they are controlled by it
it our duty to tell them"
- preston
abugee is the ideal chewpi leader
this middle party which simply emerged has the potential to balance the two forces
if earth dominates
it shift to the sky to preserve balance
it is now to the interest of both forces to protect/preserve and restore/regenerate nature
we must restore primal balance
inner money/love projections may never manifest
yet money and love can still find you
the "sky king" controls the inner projection
but to the "earth monster"
they are merely inner movements which create little outer value
future to past
the reason writer cannot accept funding to further the "sky" direction is that it is the "earth" direction which needs reinforcement